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Item Number: E1176

Title: Aeneid of Virgil

Date: 1533, published Venice Italy

Size: Sheet 8.5"x12.5"

Comments: The Aeneid was a Latin epic poem of the founding of Rome, written by Virgil between 29-19AD. This is an authentic single page from an early printed book of the Aeneid, published in Venice Italy in 1533. This leaf (page) features a beautiful and fascinating illustration from the Aeneid produced by woodblock printing which was the technique of illustration of the era. Though it depicts a scene in ancient pre Roman history, it features imagery of the contemporary era (1533). Hence knights in armour, castles, etc. The reverse side of the page is text only.

Price: $125

Condition: Very good condition, this is a single leaf (page) from a very rare 1533 printed book, slight evidence of aging as expected,

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